sexta-feira, julho 22, 2005

Santa Maria Madalena 22 de Julho

El Greco. St. Mary Magdalene. Oil on canvas. Szepmuveseti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary.
Mary Magdalene, from an early Christian tradition, is three different women, which either met or followed Christ, combined: the unnamed sinner who, during a meal at the house of Simon the Pharisee, smears the Lord’s feet with perfume and dries them with her hair; Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus, who joined Jesus’ followers, received him in her house and persuaded him to raise her brother from the dead; and finally Mary of the town of Mandela, who was possessed by devils that Jesus exorcised, and who is present both at the Crucifixion and at the Entombment, and whom Christ graces with his first appearance as a Redeemer in the episode known as the Noli me tangere. Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of prostitutes, hairdressers, perfumers, and of gardeners. In fine art she is presented with long loose hair; perfume or ointment pot, crown of thorns, mirror are sometimes also present.
Olga's Gallery

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